Forged in the suburbs of Northern Geelong, Noise Scavengers began as a youth sound art project, and have emerged as an ensemble of young sound artists. CACOPHONY WOLVES has evolved out of a deeper and frank dialogue with young feminist and postgraduate psychology student, Sarah Smith, who hails from Lara. The uncompromising result includes Sarah’s vocalized insights on young womanhood that have helped the young men of the Scavengers comprehend gender politics through the furnace of art. The physical push that is CACOPHONY WOLVES has been created in collaboration with Dave Brown – one of Australia’s recalcitrant and celebrated guitarists – and includes James Hullick performing with the Noise Scavengers.
Duration: 30 mins or 60 mins
Meat Market: 11 November 2016
Cacophany Wolves Artists

NOISE SCAVENGERS A day program of creative activities. 8–10 places; for adults (18+ years old). You can enrol at any time during the year if places are available. This program is for adults: 18 years or older. Where: JOLTED Arts Space, 342 High St., Northcote When:...

Noise Scavengers
NOISE SCAVENGERS SOUND ART BAND STUART FLENLEY - GUITAR ASTRID MEURER - GUITAR DANIEL MUNNERY - ELECTRONICS ESTHER TUDDENHAM - SYNTHS /// BASS GUITAR Noise Scavengers is a sound art band that explores the intersection between rock instruments, sound art,...

Max Cheevers
MAX CHEEVERS Max Cheevers is a sound artist and drummer/percussionist. Max explores film based media in his work also. He is influenced by history, sci-fi and fantasy, movie soundtracks, ambient, rock, and sound from many mediums. Max works organically in the...

Stuart Flenley
STUART FLENLEY MUSICIAN /// VISUAL ARTIST Stuart Flenley is a musician, songwriter, sonic and visual artist. Flenley is a vocalist, guitarist and works with electronic sound. Visually Flenley has focused on drawing mediums and video art. Flenley sings and plays...

Astrid Meurer
ASTRID MEURER SOUND ARTIST / DIGITAL ARTIST Astrid joined Noise Scavengers in April 2022. Astrid works through various sonic mediums with the band including guitar, found sound and electronics. Astrid also works through the medium of digital, exhibiting digital...

Daniel Munnery
DANIEL MUNNERY computer-based sound maker Joining The Amplified Elephants in 2012, Daniel has quickly developed an oeuvre as an electronic laptop-based sound artist. Mentored by JOLT director James Hullick and sound artist Steve Richards (aka Cleaning Lady), Daniel...

Sarah Smith
SARAH SMITH spoken word Sarah Smith is a young feminist from the Geelong region. She is currently studying a postgraduate degree in Psychology, conducting research into attitudes towards menstruation. Her studies and her creative works have been highly influenced by...

Ben Oakes
BEN OAKES sound artist / actorBen Oakes is a young Australian actor with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He performed in Melbourne for the Malthouse Theatre and Black Swan Theatre co-production of Tim Winton's Cloudstreet in the role of Fish Lamb in 2019. Ben performs with...

Tom Oakes
TOM OAKES sound artistTom Oakes, the weird and wonderful, is one of the founding members of the Noise Scavengers and, in fact, coined the name. Having worked with the Noise Scavengers since 2008, Tom has been involved with many other projects: Midnight Harvest, SKAART...

Dave Brown
DAVE BROWN guitarist / sound artistDave Brown has been involved in the Melbourne avant-garde, art rock/punk rock scene since the mid-seventies. The focus of his solo project “candlesnuffer” has increasingly centred on the development of composing techniques that meld...