Astrid Meurer




Astrid joined Noise Scavengers in April 2022. Astrid works through various sonic mediums with the band including guitar, found sound and electronics. Astrid also works through the medium of digital, exhibiting digital images with the MAS collective.

In 2022, as a part of the Noise Scavengers, Astrid worked with legendary performance artist Stelarc to create a wearable synthesizer that Stelarc then used in the show Stellar Metal Arc. The same technology then appeared in the Noise Scavengers show Augmented Hyenas (2022) at JOLTED Arts Space. The Noise Scavengers released the album of Augmented Hyenas in 2023 (Hullick Studios).

In 2023, Astrid exhibited her digital collages in the HEADS / SPACES multimedia exhibition by artists in the MAS collective at JOLTED Arts Space.

Astrid toured Augmented Hyenas to Japan with the Noise Scavengers in 2023.

Through JOLT, Astrid is mentored by Michael Hewes, Philip Brophy, Alister Karl and James Hullick. Astrid is a member of the JOLT MAS arts workshop.

Prior to her time at JOLT Arts, Astrid was a lead vocalist in the band The Empires through the Interact Arts Program. The Empires were based at Abbotsford Convent from 2011 to 2016. Astrid performed regularly with The Empires at Abbotsford Convent, Bendigo Hotel and other venues, as well as appearing in various music festivals and initiatives: Arockalypse (2012); Shadow Electric (2014).