A gallery based exhibition of visual and multimedia art works

A red line can mean many things. It can be a pathway on a map: a barrier; a blood vessel; an indication of connection; a mark of danger; or a functional demarcation. It can be drawn; it could be stitched. It could be a laser beam. It could be an indicator of something to be corrected – or something crossed out.

The Red Line is representative of the journey that the Sonic Adventurers Collective has been on over the last 3 years. The title of the show comes from a video work that the group developed during their first year of working together. The video work (like the group’s journey) travels over rough terrain, climbs mountains, plunges into deep valleys, meanders around in circles at times, reaches the goal and has a moment of self-doubt before it finally settles in the end.

The Sonic Adventurers includes eight emerging artists with neurological diversities and two mentoring established artists. While the focus of the group began as explorers of sound in the gallery space, this sense of adventure opened the artists up to a wide range of art forms, such that now artists create works across a range of visual, physical and sonic media.

Each of the artists in the collective has their own individual practice. The collective delivers work that is by the individuals, combinations of individuals in the group, or by the whole group combined including the mentoring artists.




JOLTED Arts Space: 18 November – 17 December 2022

Wangaratta Art Gallery: 26 February – 3 April 2022

ONLINE: JOLT Arts website: 2021



This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and Creative Victoria.



Jay Euesden

Jay Euesden

JAY EUESDEN synthesisers / electronics / percussion   Along with Robyn McGrath and Kathryn Sutherland, Euesden is a founding member of The Amplified Elephants (2006-). Euesden’s practice is focused on minimalist sonic patterns, usually realising these ideas through...

Stuart Flenley

Stuart Flenley

STUART FLENLEY MUSICIAN /// VISUAL ARTIST   Stuart Flenley is a musician, songwriter, sonic and visual artist. Flenley is a vocalist, guitarist and works with electronic sound. Visually Flenley has focused on drawing mediums and video art. Flenley sings and plays...

Helen Kruljac

Helen Kruljac

HELEN KRULJAC synthesisers / spoken word / visual design   Kruljac currently creates new works with the Sonic Adventurers Collective. Kruljac has spent many years working with The Amplified Elephants. Helen has released several albums with both groups. A...

Robyn McGrath

Robyn McGrath

ROBYN MCGRATH synthesizers / electronics   A founding member of The Amplified Elephants – a sound art ensemble – it was McGrath who originally thought of the name for the group. McGrath joined the Sonic Adventurers Collective in 2020. Sonically, McGrath primarily...

Kathryn Sutherland

Kathryn Sutherland

KATHRYN SUTHERLAND voice / kaossillator / synthesisers / electronics / percussion   A founding member of The Amplified Elephants (founded 2006), Kathryn explores the physicality of making creative sound. Kathryn is also a founding member of Sonic Adventurers...

Alister Karl

Alister Karl

ALISTER KARL visual artist / curator / support worker Alister Karl has been a practising artist for more than 20 years, and is an experienced teacher, curator and arts manager. He works in a range of media and disciplines, and has exhibited extensively in Victoria and...