BEN ANDERSON – brass // HAMISH UPTON – percussion
JAMES HULLICK – composer
Two thieves become revolutionised when they rob the wrong house.
Comments from GRIT composer James Hullick: “GRIT follows on in some ways from Harry Partch and his earlier hobo works. And there is also the legacy of the American beat poets and authors – but particularly Alan Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. These artists created work from lived experiences.
GRIT in some ways embraces the metaphor of my earlier warehouse living days and my random backpacking experience, but it’s never direct, or literal.
The work features two characters – the Brassist and the Percussionist. They are itinerant characters, down on their luck and angry with the society within which they live. They therefore decide to steal from the rich by means of an ill-conceived home invasion.
A key feature of this score is a general restlessness with a relationship with time and notation in general, which at times is fragmentary. The representation of time and notation switches between traditional western notation, contemporary proportional notation – as often found in the works of Luciano Berio – and graphic notation. Our itinerant characters are restless souls and their whole fabric of existence and mental states are in continual flux.”

Ben Anderson
BEN ANDERSON trombone Trombonist Benjamin Anderson has forged a remarkably diverse path through to his spot at the cutting edge of contemporary classical practice. An agent of fine musicianship, his fresh and sophisticated approach to the performance of orchestral...

Hamish Upton
HAMISH UPTON percussionist Hamish Upton is a percussionist who thrives as a contemporary percussion collaborator and educator. He holds a Master of Music Research from Griffith University, where he used four case studies to explore the use of laptop-based sound...
James Hullick

James Hullick
JAMES HULLICK JOLT Director & CEO / Composer / Musician HULLICKSTUDIOS.COM James Hullick is an auditory creator like no other in Australia. Recently James’ artistic identity has been shifting from cutting-edge composer to that of an all out iconic...