Uminari Trio



CAL LYALL // banjo


Uminari Trio represents the sonic communion between three artists who bow to the might of auditory creation. Everything is improvised, though falling into self-similar sonic places that the trio will visit in each concert. These sonic places have beginnings and endings — shaped like pieces — but for the trio they are continuations that play out through multiple performances and through a loyalty each of the musicians shares for the higher ideal of sonic creation. It’s an elegant intertwining sound that arises from acoustic instruments: cello; banjo; prepared piano; sometimes voice; that can be amplified and electronically translated or left in their acoustic domains. Each of the artists in the trio have been radically influenced by sonic art culture; the cultures of ancient creators; and the global mayhem of the proliferating information soup pouring out through the internet. This is music ecstasy with a meditative backbone: an ocean rising up after a still night over moonlit waters.

the artists

Morishige Yasumune

Morishige Yasumune

MORISHIGE YASUMUNE cello / piano / voice / improvisation / photograph As one of Japan’s most unique voices of the cello, improvising musician Morishige Yasumune continues to collaborate with a wide array of dancers and musicians both in Japan and around the world. His...

James Hullick

James Hullick

JAMES HULLICK JOLT Director & CEO / Composer / Musician   HULLICKSTUDIOS.COM   James Hullick is an auditory creator like no other in Australia. Recently James’ artistic identity has been shifting from cutting-edge composer to that of an all out iconic...

Cal Lyall

Cal Lyall

CAL LYALL musician / sound artistBorn in Montreal, Cal Lyall studied classical composition and jazz performance in Quebec, eventually moving westward in Canada to teach music and perform. An interest in diverse musical forms led to intense travel and study throughout...