Sonic Poetry Festival ENA berni m. janssen 30 August, Wednesday. Doors open 7:30pm for 8:00pm start JOLTED Arts Space, 342 High St Northcote EVENTBRITE Tickets: $15.00-$25.00 In this poetic assemblage, berni m janssen brings us ENA, feminist, sometime activist and...
The Robert Salzer Series LE SCATTERMAN JAMES HULLICK 11-12 AUGUST Friday 8pm, Saturday 4pm & 8pm IMPORTANT: THE SHOW & AUDIENCE WILL BE FILMED ON SATURDAY Performance /// JOLTED Arts Space Theatre Free Entry, Invite Only. Put your name or your...
UNION HOTEL The Hackkets 30 July Sunday: 3-4pm Performance /// Union Hotel: 109 Union St, Brunswick Free Entry VICTORIA ROCKCHICK – VOICE/KEYS STUART FLENLEY – VOICE/GUITAR ANDREW PAGANELLA – DRUMS PETER TOLHURST – VOICE/GUITAR Hailing from Westside...
THEATRE ART DEPARTMENT (T.A.D.) A COLLECTIVE MAKING COSTUMES SETS & ANYTHING FOR THEATRE DESIGN TAD is a Theatre Art Collective who make theatre designs and theatre objects. Members of the collective describe their work as: Miranda Cook “fun and...
SOCIETY beats / electronics / sound engineering Hailing from Melbourne’s West, Society works with beats – mostly making beats with collaborating artists, vocalists, rappers and musicians. Some tracks have received 20,000 hits on YouTube and Spotify....