Michael Chan


Michael Chan join Sonic Adventurers Collective in 2021, and is currently exhibiting new video, audio and 2D works The Red Line exhibition by the Collective at Wangaratta Art Gallery.

Michael Chan is also an ensemble artist who works for Geelong-based theatre company, Back to Back Theatre. Michael travelled to Hong Kong to work on the Democratic Set project after making an appearance as an extra on the short film Oddlands on ABC TV. Michael is performed in and co-wrote ‘The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes’ which premiered nationally in Sydney, Geelong and Melbourne and then toured across the United States in early 2020.

Michael performed in the theatre production Breathers at La Mama Theatre in 2021

In 2017, Michael was awarded with the 2017 Geelong Awards for People with a Disability under Arts category for his performance in Geelong Society of Operatic and Dramatic Arts’ (GSODA) musical production of Chess.



Video by Michael Chan. Sound by Michael Chan, Jay Euesden & Daniel Munnery