M.A.S. Maximum Art Skills Workshop /// Fridays



Participants in the M.A.S. workshop develop an individual’s professional art skills across a range of mediums:

– painting, drawing, sculpture

– performance art

– multimedia art, photography, video art

– sound art, music, theatre, puppetry

Workshops are mentored in groups, with participants stepping out of the group for specialist 1:1 sessions during the day. Participants create folios or collections of their work. Participants are given direction on how to build opportunities in the arts world, including how to use social media and the internet to help share their work.
Participants work with professionals who are highly active and respected artists. Your work will be presented in a range of professional contexts including the annual M.A.S. exhibition and/or performances at the JOLTED Arts Space.

This workshop is for people from the NDIS system: 18 years or older. Workshops can be undertaken on Zoom if you are unable to attend in person.


JOLTED Arts Space, 342 High St., Northcote


 Friday 9:30am-12:30pm.During Terms. Not on public holidays.

2024 Dates:

During Terms

Mentoring Artist:

Alister Karl /// Stelarc (when in Australia)